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My passion for stories started with my mother’s campaign for sidewalks in front of our middle school; she felt my sister and I should be able to safely walk to school. But a blame game between the city and the school board went on for months until finally a local reporter exposed their lack of care for students and petitioned for change. Shortly thereafter the sidewalks were installed; I realized it was the power of her storytelling that moved the decision makers to action. Now I too create powerful stories through video, email promotions, webpages and brochures.

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Do you ever have a sense that you’re turning into your father? My father is an entrepreneur; before I was ever a twinkle in my parents’ eyes, he founded a interior plantscaping firm, bringing nature indoors through large-scale indoor gardens. After watching how difficult it was for my dad—long nights at the office and dinner discussions about employee drama—I promised myself I would never start my own business. But I found that I loved bringing ideas to life, loved helping people by finding solutions to their problems. Now I channel my inner entrepreneur through innovation projects and “intrapreneurial” endeavors. Because in the best possible way, sometimes you can run but you can’t hide…

Innovation Projects


I believe in the power of business to unlock potential and bring about social justice. I also believe that true transformation requires a holistic approach to social justice; nonprofit organizations bring awareness, policy change and hope to communities often forgotten. I give my time to both sides of this coin as a means for gaining purpose and joy outside of my work.

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