Healthy Habits Research

Problem: A team within Amway was charged with launching a new platform that would engage customers in a series of questions and offer customized recommendations for new habits that might advance their goals. But the team wasn’t sure of what types of habits that they should recommend, how personalized the recommendations needed to be to offer value, and how to frame recommendations in a way that made the habits approachable to the user.

Solution: I led a team in exploratory design research, taking our internal client from questions to answers in 3 weeks and less than $2500.

Method: We started by framing the internal client’s questions, listening to their concerns and desired research outcome and crafting a hierarchy of hypotheses, underlying assumptions and learning questions. I honed in on the hypothesis that was most urgent to address and created a research proposal for test methods and key deliverables the team could expect. I designed a test protocol and test stimuli to guide the in-person interviews and recruited 14 interviewees in a week’s time. With the help of my team members I performed the interviews in one week and we spent the following week sharing out observations, grouping observations into themes and crafting themes into insights. The slider on this page is a truncated version of our presentation (the full presentation cannot be shared for competitive reasons), but we shared our findings, go-forward recommendations and insights.

Outcome: The internal client team was impressed with our speed and depth of insight; the learnings are being incorporated into the platform they will launch in September.


March 24, 2021


Design Research, Experience Design, Innovation & Human-Centered Design, Project Management, Storytelling, Strategy