Simplified Wellness Incubator

Problem: As the trends of consumer decision fatigue and mass customization have grown, so have new entrants to the supplements space. My team was charged with exploring, “How might Amway remain relevant and prove the efficacy of its products to users who have so many competing, personalized alternatives?’


Solution: Through a human-centered, test-and-learn approach, design a minimum viable proposition to pitch to executives.


Method: We began with exploratory research with customers and distributors across the US. We wanted to understand the complexity of health-based decisions, what made something feel truly personalized and what a user would need to feel confident that a supplement was having a positive impact on their health. Based on our findings, we crafted a hypothesis and outlined and prioritized key assumptions to be tested. We designed an experience blueprint and got customer feedback on whether touchpoints should be digital or physical and what kinds of experts consumers would want touchpoints to be with. From there we began building partnerships and prototyping wireframes of the digital interactions, which we tested with consumers along the way to refine, iterate and test viability.


Outcome: In September of 2019 we pitched the minimum viable proposition to the CEO and a panel of executives. The idea was considered so valuable, leadership decided to accelerate the concept. With an adjustment to scope, the accelerated project will launch in September.


March 25, 2021


Design Research, Experience Design, Innovation & Human-Centered Design, Prototyping, Strategy